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These works entitled collectively as 'icono-Klasti' are a comment on spirituality vs institutionalized religion and explore the blurred line between Devotion and Cult, faith and fixation, belief and obsession, thus highlighting the faults of religious indoctrination. This is what I am willing to examine: Is religious indoctrination a pathway to divinity and to what degree can religious indoctrination instil fear, pain, despair, anger and violence? The practical approach followed is that of an artistic debate, almost mimicking a political debate where arguments and statements are twisted and re-interpreted to accentuate faults and negatives in opponents. Hence, pre-existent materials with religious connotations (ready-mades) are utilized, altered, manipulated, ripped, re-assembled, added on with prints, paint, drawings and writings, or juxtaposed with other elements and materials, thus transforming the message that such material conveys and the concept they represent. In this process, messages and meanings are re-coded and images are re-defined and contaminated. Icons are violated and vandalized to create new ones.