Lavation Ceremonials
Since mid- 2012 I have been investigating the human body as a material producing religion, as mouldable clay that shapes itself to perform ad nausea particular ritualistic acts (please refer to the portfolio of selected works). Initially, the practical approach adopted in developing these ideas was to extract gestures, movements, sounds and chants related to religious ceremonies and use these elements as a means to explore the state of mind. Later works in the series of works entitled “The Body Performing Rituals”, have moved away from the appropiation of existing and culturally difused religious gestures and behaviours to documented performaces of new/ invented rituals and actions. In these works, the performers body plays a balancing act between the willingness for enlightenment and purification and the earthly , instinctive push towards sexual pleasure. An obsessive, never ending cycle of spiritul death and resurrection, a continuous alternation of whiteness and blackness, of cleaning and dirtying, is a common factor in these later works.
Lately, I have been focusing my efforts in attempting to secularize my approach and creating works that explore the same basic consept of purification, or rather the attempt at it, in everyday, mondane rituals. As a visual response to this, the series of works I am currently developing deal with daily lavation ceremonials in domestic environments.
Lately, I have been focusing my efforts in attempting to secularize my approach and creating works that explore the same basic consept of purification, or rather the attempt at it, in everyday, mondane rituals. As a visual response to this, the series of works I am currently developing deal with daily lavation ceremonials in domestic environments.